Anti ragging

    “ Vidya dadati vinayam” education gives humility: humility gives character; from character one get wealth; from wealth one gets righteous (dharmam) life ; from righteousness gets happiness) is a core value of the Indian heritage and regarded in very high esteem at the Institute. The student population coming from different parts of the country as well as abroad with most diverse cultural and social back grounds, integration and creation of collegial environment becomes a matter of prime importance.

     “Ragging ” a social menace, as such has no place in academic environment of the Institute and concerted efforts are required to be in place to prevent its occurrence at any point of time.

The anti – ragging policy adopted by the institute:

1.       Creating ragging free atmosphere in and outside the campus.

2.       Creating awareness among students regarding acts and punishments pertaining to ragging activities.

3.       Creating cordial relations among students for fulfilling organizations mission and objectives.

4.       Creating awareness among students regarding how the self confidence of the individual influences the national interest

Punishment rules and regulations:-

 Cancellation of admission

  1.  Suspension from attending classes
  2.  Withholding / withdrawing scholarship/ fellowship and other benefits.
  3.  Debarring from appearing in any test/ examination or other evaluation process.
  4.  Withholding results
  5.  Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or International meet,      tournament, youth festival, etc.
  6.  Suspension/ expulsion from the hostel.
  7.  Rustication from the institution for period ranging from 1 to 4 semesters.
  8.  Expulsion from institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution.
  9.  Collective punishment: when the persons committing or abetting the crime of ragging are not      identified, the institution shall resort to collective punishment as a   deterrent to ensure    community pressure on the potential raggers.
  10.  Lodging of FIR with local policy leading to arrest.