Principal's Message



Nursing College of Nursing shows excellence in Nursing Education, Research and Clinical Practice.


Our Institution offers innovative teaching with the help of modern technology and excellent clinical teaching by adopting various methods such as bedside teaching, case study, case discussion and video teaching etc. We periodically conduct workshops and conferences to update the knowledge and skill of the students.


Our faculty continues to grow by updating their knowledge and involvement in research and adopts innovative methods of teaching which benefits the students.


Apart from the academics, importance is given to the character building and discipline among the students for their professional life. The combination of computer training and exposure to modern health care equipments and in-house hospital training will certainly equip our students to adopt ever changing technology in the field of health and will provide highly qualified professionals in nursing to the society.






Building capacity dissolves differences. It irons out inequalities”                                                                                                                                    -SWAMI VIVEKANANDHA